Home Electronics Computer MakerBot Replicator Mini Compact 3D Printer Review

MakerBot Replicator Mini Compact 3D Printer Review

MakerBot Replicator Mini Compact 3D Printer Review


The MakerBot Replicator Mini Compact 3D Printer ($1,375) is the most compact model from the company yet. The print area is small for a 3D printer, but its quality essentially matches that of MakerBot’s flagship model, the Replicator Desktop 3D Printer ($2,068.17 at Walmart)(Opens in a new window) . It’s easy to set up, and MakerBot’s software (whether run from a desktop or a mobile device) is user-friendly. I did experience some glitches and a couple of misprints during testing, but the problems were all resolvable. Overall, the Replicator Mini is a good choice for schools or 3D-printing newbies. 

Design and Features
Hence the name, the all-black Mini is compact for a 3D printer, measuring 15 by 11.6 by 12.2 inches (HWD) and weighing 18 pounds. With a rigid frame, it’s open at the front, on the sides, and on top, permitting easy access to the print bed and easy viewing of prints in progress. A camera in an upper corner of the Mini lets you monitor print jobs from your desktop or mobile device.

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One nice touch is that the Mini has a self-leveling print bed, so you don’t have to frequently calibrate the printer to ensure that the extruder is the proper distance from the print bed. The extruder detects how far it is away from the print bed and automatically adjusts the distance as needed. Among the few printers we’ve reviewed that has this nice convenience feature is the LulzBot Mini 3D Printer ( at Amazon)(Opens in a new window) , our Editors’ Choice midrange 3D printer.

The Mini’s build area is just 3.9 by 3.9 by 4.9 inches (HWD), the smallest of any 3D printer we have reviewed, so it’s only capable of printing relatively small objects. It’s smaller than the Ultimaker 2 Go ( at Amazon)(Opens in a new window) , whose build area is 4.5 by 4.7 by 4.7 inches, and considerably smaller than either the MakerBot Replicator (5.9 by 7.8 by 9.9 inches) or the LulzBot Mini (6 by 6 by 6.2 inches).

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MakerBot’s so-called Smart Extruder is exceedingly easy to install or remove, as it’s held in place by magnets. One example of its “intelligence” is that it detects when you’re out of filament and automatically pauses the print. Without it, you would have to scrap the print. It worked, except for once when it continued to trace the pattern even though no filament was extruding. It also sends notifications to the MakerBot Desktop software and MakerBot Mobile app. Although the extruder had minor issues in testing, which I’ll discuss below, it was a lot more dependable than the dual extruders on the MakerBot Replicator 2X ($3,856.95 at Amazon)(Opens in a new window) , for which I had to take apart and reassemble the extruder assemblies to clear several jams.

The Mini lacks the control panel and display that is a useful feature of the MakerBot Replicator, letting you load and unload filament, preheat the extruder, launch print jobs, and perform other functions. The only control on the front of the Mini is a button that’s surrounded by a frame that glows different colors, depending on the printer’s status. For instance, if it’s glowing blue, it’s ready to print, and pressing the button will launch (or resume) the print job.

Setting up the Mini is a straightforward process. Once you unpack the printer, you install the Smart Extruder, by pressing it against the back of the extruder carriage. Magnets will lock the extruder into place. Then you load a filament spool into a slot in back of the printer, unclip a feeder tube from the side of the slot and snake the filament through it, then reattach the spool. You then peel off the backing of a sheet of blue tape (several are included), affix the tape to the build plate, and slide the build plate into place. You connect the included USB cable to your printer and computer, and then plug the printer in and power it up. You then download and install MakerBot Desktop software from the MakerBot site, open the program, and complete the setup using the Setup Assistant wizard.

MakerBot Replicator Mini Compact 3D Printer

The printer uses MakerBot’s small (0.5-pound) spools of 1.75mm polylactic acid (PLA) filament, which the company sells at $18 for standard filament, and $25 for specialty (neon and translucent, for instance) PLA filaments. This is more expensive than the large (2-pound) spools that MakerBot sells for its fifth-generation Replicator, its Replicator Z18, and earlier models, at $48 for standard filament and $65 for specialty filament. Even MakerBot’s large spools are at the high end of the price range for PLA.

Currently, MakerBot only sells PLA filament for the Replicator Mini. That may change in 2016, when the company is due to launch a line of composite filaments in which PLA is mixed with non-plastics (namely, limestone, iron, maple, and bronze) and can take on some of the properties of these materials. For instance, a magnet will attract an object printed from iron filament, while you can sand and stain an object made from maple. When the new filament is released, you will probably need to get a new extruder designed to work with it.

Safety and Noise
With open-frame printers, there is always a risk that a user or onlooker could get burned by touching the hot extruder, but the Mini minimizes these chances with the nozzle located in back of the extruder assembly making it difficult to reach from the front, and from the top it’s mostly blocked by the carriage that holds and moves the extruder assembly. This design should keep both adults and children about as safe as possible with any open-frame printer.

Ranging from the sounds of motors revving to odd electronic melodies, the Mini is louder than most 3D printers we’ve tested. The noise was frequently commented upon by my coworkers. If you buy this printer, you’ll want to find a place for it where it won’t disturb others.

Connectivity and Mobile Printing
You get a decent set of connection choices. You can print from a computer over a USB or Wi-Fi connection, as well as over Wi-Fi from an iOS or Android phone or tabloid with the MakerBot Mobile app installed. This app is the mobile equivalent of MakerBot Desktop, and I used it to print one of our test objects, which I downloaded from Thingiverse—MakerBot’s repository of hundreds of thousands of user-created 3D object files. You can use the app to see the print in progress, or take a snapshot of it, as the Replicator Mini has an onboard camera looking down into the build area from the printer’s front right corner.

A second MakerBot app, PrintShop, lets you create and modify objects from onscreen templates, such as a bracelet, a ring, a vase, a medal, or a block of text. A special function, Shape Maker, lets you photograph a 2D drawing with your iPad, convert it into 3D, and print it out.

The printer uses MakerBot Desktop software, which you download from the company’s site. It allows you to load, edit, and print files, save files to a personal library, find new objects to print in MakerBot’s Thingiverse file-sharing site, and access instructional and troubleshooting videos. As for printing, first you press the Prepare tab in a taskbar near the top of the screen. This brings up a representation of the print bed, which fills the screen. You then pull down the File menu in the screen’s upper left corner and click on Add, which opens Windows Explorer. When you click on the 3D file of your choice (in STL or OBJ format), it will load, and you can see it on screen. By pressing icons on the left side of the screen, you can zoom in or out, or move, rotate, or resize the object.

At the screen’s upper right are a line of tabs. The Settings tab opens a dialog box that lets you choose between low (300-micron), standard (200-micron), and high (100-micron) resolution and add a raft or supports. You can open a Custom menu that lets you change printing speed, extruder temperature, amount of infill, and more. The Export to File tab lets you save a file in MakerBot’s .thing format to a USB key (or other drive) for printing out. In the screen’s upper-right corner is the Print tab, from which you launch your print, provided your computer is connected to the Mini. That’s printing in a nutshell. Really, all you need to do is load the software, add a file, tweak it if you’re so inclined, and hit Print.

I printed 10 test objects, via both USB and Wi-Fi (including one print launched from my iPad Air 2 using MakerBot Mobile software). At best, print quality was very good, and on par with the MakerBot Replicator. I saw no significant difference between objects I’d printed with both models. I did experience several misprints with the Mini, compared with only one while testing the MakerBot Replicator. In a couple of cases I encountered a filament jam error. To fix this, you unload the filament, snip off any damaged filament, reload it, and press the button on the front of the printer, which should be glowing blue. Although I was able to resume printing that way, in one case there was a partial gap in the layering at the point of the jam, indicative of a break in filament flow, which effectively ruined the print. In another case, the extruder continued to trace its programmed pattern even though no filament was flowing.

I experienced a couple other extruder-related issues: For a while, the extruder was balky and steadfastly refused to extrude, although there was no error message. I’d unload the filament, clip off the end, and try to reload it, but it even though I repeated these steps several times, the filament wouldn’t feed into the extruder. It took replacing the filament spool to get it working again. Also, a couple of times I received the message that the extruder was unseated. That one was easy enough to fix; I removed the extruder and let the magnets snap it back into place.

All the printing issues I encountered were resolvable, but printing wasn’t the smooth, problem-free experience I had when testing the LulzBot Mini, which produced a dozen or so objects without any misprints or errors. It can also print with a variety of filament types, and was a cinch to set up and operate as well.

According to MakerBot, the Replicator Mini Compact 3D Printer is geared toward educators. Its relatively low price, compared with the MakerBot Replicator, makes it school budget friendly, and it is a good platform for students to learn the ropes of 3D printing. The printer is easy to set up, and its software is user-friendly. And print quality is very similar to the MakerBot Replicator, though the Mini’s build area is much smaller. In testing, though, it lacked the flawless operation of the comparably priced LulzBot Mini, which remains our Editors’ Choice midrange 3D printer.

MakerBot Replicator Mini Compact 3D Printer


MakerBot Replicator Mini Compact 3D Printer
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$899.99 at Amazon

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MSRP $1,375.00
  • Safe design for an open-frame printer.
  • Self-leveling build plate.
  • User-friendly software.
  • Prints via USB and Wi-Fi.
  • Can print from a desktop or mobile device.
  • Good overall print quality in our tests.

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  • Tiny build area.
  • Relatively expensive filament.
  • Noisy during operation.
  • No display.
  • Misprints and occasional filament jams during testing.

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The Bottom Line

An ideal pick for 3D printing newbies or those strapped for space, the Replicator Mini Compact is the smallest MakerBot 3D printer yet. Plus, it’s easy to set up and use, and is capable of high-quality prints.


Source link : https://www.pcmag.com/reviews/makerbot-replicator-mini-compact-3d-printer