Home How To How to : How to Make a Paper Butterfly

How to : How to Make a Paper Butterfly

How to : How to Make a Paper Butterfly


Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Folding an Origami Butterfly

  1. 1
    Fold the paper in half, then open it and fold it in half the other way. Make sure to crease both of the folds. Line up the edges when you’re folding to ensure the crease is directly in the center.[1]

    Choosing the Perfect Paper for Your Butterfly

    If you’re a beginner, choose oversized origami paper. Bigger sheets are easier to work with.

    For easy folding, use origami paper, because it is thinner than regular paper.

    If you want to add visual interest, opt for textured paper like linen or felt cardstock.

    For a dramatic accent, pick foil paper in a shimmery metallic.

  2. 2
    Fold the paper in half diagonally, open it, and fold on the other diagonal. Bring 2 opposite corners together to create the folds. Press down firmly to create defined creases. Repeat on both diagonals. Open the paper to lie flat after you fold it.[2]

  3. 3
    Bring the right and left creases together, creating a triangle. With the paper laying flat in front of you, press the right horizontal crease to the left one. As you do this, the paper should collapse onto itself in a triangle shape along the diagonal creases you made.[3]
  4. 4
    Fold the 2 top corners into the center. When you created the triangle shape, it made 2 layers. Grab the corners on the top layer and line up their edges with the crease in the middle of the triangle.[4]
  5. 5
    Flip the triangle over and fold the bottom up, leaving a small tip showing. You aren’t folding it completely half. Instead you’re folding it about 1/3 up from the base of the triangle. Hold the fold in place gently with your hand.[5]
  6. 6
    Bend the top layer of the tip over the base. There are 2 layers at the tip of the triangle. Peel the top 1 forward, folding it over the wide triangle bottom you’re currently holding in place. The tip will be the head of the butterfly.[6]
  7. 7
    Pull down the pieces from the bottom layer to create the lower wings. With the top layer folded over, bring the bottom layer of the tip in the opposite direction. The points of the 2 triangular pieces should be facing down, away from the folded head.[7]

Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Making a Pleated Paper Butterfly

  1. 1
    Fold the square piece of paper in half, creasing it. Line up the edges of the paper when you fold it to make sure you’re creating a line directly down the middle. Press firmly with your fingernail to form the crease.[8]
  2. 2
    Unfold the paper and cut along the crease line. Use your scissors to cut the piece of paper in half. The groove of the crease should help guide your scissors in a straight line through the paper.[9]
  3. 3
    Make accordion folds with one of the pieces of the paper. Fold a small piece lengthwise, then flip the paper over to fold it back onto itself. Continue flipping the paper from side to side as you fold along the entire length of the paper. Think of this motion as similar to making a pleat or a fan.[10]
  4. 4
    Take the other piece of paper you cut and fold it in half lengthwise. Place the 2 longer edges on top of each other. Then create a crease by pressing down along the fold.[11]
  5. 5
    Open it up and fold the 4 corners in toward the center crease line. Line up the edges straight along the crease. Your paper will now be in the shape of a hexagon, with 2 pointed ends formed by the folded corners.[12]
  6. 6
    Flip the paper over and make accordion folds on each side of the crease. Fold one half the paper in towards the center. Then repeat on the other side. This will be the top half of the butterfly’s wings.[13]
  7. 7
    Bend both pieces of pleated paper in half. Press the pleats together and hold the paper between your thumb and forefinger. Carefully fold one end onto the other, creasing it firmly.[14]
  8. 8
    Place 1 piece above the other and tie them together at the center. Arrange the 2 pieces so that they form a butterfly shape. Pinch them together while you tie string or cord around both pieces.[15]
  9. 9
    Pull out the pleats to open up the wings. Scrunched-up folds don’t exactly resemble a beautiful butterfly. Gently pull the pleats apart so that the 2 pieces of paper look like 1 large wing on each side instead of 2 disjointed ones.[16]

    Fun Ways to Use Your Butterflies

    Hang them on a string or ribbon to drape as a whimsical garland in your room.

    Glue the butterflies to a piece of paper or a canvas as 3D art.

    Give them as gifts around the holidays.

    Place them on a bookshelf or coffee table as decor.

    Turn a butterfly into a Christmas tree ornament.


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Things You’ll Need

Origami Butterfly

  • 1 square piece of paper

Pleated Paper Butterfly

  • 1 square piece of paper

  • 1 piece of string, cord, or ribbon

  • Scissors

  • Double-sided tape (optional)

  • Glue (optional)


Source link : https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Paper-Butterfly