Home Photo & Design 14 Wacky Lorem Ipsum Generators

14 Wacky Lorem Ipsum Generators

14 Wacky Lorem Ipsum Generators


14 Wacky Lorem Ipsum Generators

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit…

Those who studied Latin back in high school will have tough luck trying to translate this text. Those involved in graphic design, however, are probably familiar with—and terribly bored by—it. It’s not an excerpt from an epic saga, but rather pseudo-Latin meant merely to illustrate typeface characteristics and where words will sit on a page.

Richard McClinktock, a Latin scholar and director of publications at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, traces the text back to a passage from Cicero’s de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum (The Extremes of Good and Evil) that reads: Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit … (from H. Rackham’s 1914 translation(Opens in a new window): “Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain…”).

The original Latin has been picked apart and scrambled so that the remnants are indecipherable, letting readers focus on design elements and not get distracted by text. Lorem ipsum(Opens in a new window) has been placeholding since the fourteenth century and even in the digital era remains essentially unaltered.

That is, with a few exceptions. As one could imagine, after 500 years, designers got a bit bored and thus unleashed their creativity. Thanks to their ingenuity—and, in some cases, cynicism—lorem ipsum now comes in dozens of dialects. An array of dummy text generators churn out filler à la hipsters, journalists, and even Samuel L. Jackson, among others. In some cases, the content goes against its purpose and is actually more interesting than the design, but we doubt you’ll complain. Here are 14 of our favorites.

1. Cameron Creative’s Dummy Terms & Conditions

Cameron Creative's Dummy Terms & Conditions

The terms and conditions are often the last content written, so this placeholder text(Opens in a new window)—packed with clauses like “If condition persists, consult your physician” and “All models over 18 years of age”—will certainly cover the bases in the meantime.

2. Fillerama


Designers bored by the classic lorem ipsum will gladly welcome this new text overlord(Opens in a new window), chock full of excerpts from beloved sci-fi and humor TV shows and movies including Dr. Who, Star Wars, The Simpsons, Dexter, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and, of course, Futurama. Users can choose between formatted text and HTML versions, plus add headers and lists.

3. Web 2.0 Ipsum

Web 2.0 Ipsum

Mustering up a mix of Web 2.0 startups, this lorem ipsum generator(Opens in a new window) was inspired by a post from the MIT Advertising Lab(Opens in a new window) ranting about ridiculous company names. (“It’s like learning a foreign language!”) Can you pick out the movers?

4. The Hairy Lipsum Generator

The Hairy Lipsum Generator

Is your Latin lacking a certain rugged handsomeness?” this generator(Opens in a new window) asks. The site was created to mark Movember, the “month” between October and December dedicated to growing ‘staches to raise awareness for men’s health issues. It adds a dose of testosterone to the standard filler with macho babble like, “Beefeater tom selleck professor plum magnum pi doctor strange off-piste sportacus rock n roll star.”

5. Bacon Ipsum

Bacon Ipsum

This meatier lorem ipsum generator(Opens in a new window) will have carnivores drooling with lines like “Pork chop turducken shank, sausage frankfurter leberkas turkey ham beef ribs kielbasa.” Free apps are available in the App Store(Opens in a new window) and Google Play(Opens in a new window) and diehard fans can even buy some Bacon Ipsum swag(Opens in a new window).

6. Vegan Ipsum

Vegan Ipsum

Touting “All filler, no killer,” this edible alternative(Opens in a new window) is flush with animal-free phrases, many of which you’ve probably never eaten, let alone heard of.

7. Cupcake Ipsum

Cupcake Ipsum

Craving something a bit sweeter? This “sugar-coated lorem ipsum generator(Opens in a new window)” has all the “bear claw gummies cookie jelly chocolate bar marzipan jelly beans pastry gingerbread” you can stomach.

8. Beer Ipsum

Beer Ipsum

Wash all those tasty ipsum generators down with some “malt ester berliner weisse dry hopping squares hoppy, bitter” brewed up from Beer Ipsum(Opens in a new window).

9. Greeking Machine

Greeking Machine

Use Greeking Machine(Opens in a new window) to fill incomplete text space with one of six languages: Classical Latin, Hillbilly, Marketing, The Matrix, Metropolitan, Psuedo German, and Techno Babble (seen here).

10. Hipster Ispum

Hipster Ispum

“Do you need some text for your website or whatever? *sigh* Okay…” the site(Opens in a new window) says. Simply enter the number of paragraphs you need, pick the type (“Hipster w/ a shot of Latin” or “Hipster, neat”), click “Beer me,” and Hipster Ipsum serves up strings of indie buzz words, “sriracha” and “before they sold out” among them.

11. Samuel L. Ipsum

Samuel L. Ipsum

Conjuring Samuel L. Jackson Pulp Fiction quotes, this generator(Opens in a new window) has a dirty mouth, so it might not be suitable for all professional projects. The Slipsum Lite version, however, produces much less offensive placeholder text, stripped of those NSFW four-letter words.

12. Fillerati


For a more intellectual filler, Fillerati(Opens in a new window) recalls excerpts from fantasy and sci-fi classics like H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds, Jules Verne’s Around the World in 80 Days, Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, and more.

13. Gangsta Lorem Ipsum

Gangsta Lorem Ipsum

What happens when classical gibberish starts hanging with a new crowd? Gangsta Lorem Ipsum(Opens in a new window), fo shizzle. The site generates “gangsta loremizzle my ippzle dummy text” that will dish any straight-edge graphic designer some serious street cred.

14. Journo Ipsum

Journo Ipsum

Journo Ipsum(Opens in a new window) comes straight out of the Nieman Journalism Lab, a project of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University dedicated to sustaining quality journalism in the Internet era. The generator slaps together newsy buzzwords and phrases, like “get me rewrite,” “gamification,” and “#twittermakesyoustupid,” to create a chain of nonsense that a true editor might be tempted to edit.


Source link : https://www.pcmag.com/news/14-wacky-lorem-ipsum-generators