Home Smart Home Juicero, the Pricey High-Tech Juicer, Goes Kaput

Juicero, the Pricey High-Tech Juicer, Goes Kaput

Juicero, the Pricey High-Tech Juicer, Goes Kaput


In the market for an extremely expensive, internet-connected cold press juicer? Don’t ask Juicero.

The company on Friday announced it’s “immediately” suspending the sale of its Juicero Press—a product we here at PCMag gave a spot in our list of 10 Weird High-Tech Gadgets You Don’t Need.

We have nothing against delicious and healthy cold-press juice; as we explained last year, Juicero is just simply “a hot mess of unnecessary technology.” For starters, the $400 juicer (previously $700(Opens in a new window)) doesn’t let you use your own fruit and vegetables. It also won’t work unless it has an active Wi-Fi connection, which it uses to determine if the produce packs you buy from the company for as much as $10 each are still good.

Prior to its demise, Juicero somehow managed to raise $120 million(Opens in a new window) in Silicon Valley funding. But earlier this year, the company was in the news after Bloomberg reported(Opens in a new window) that the juicer really wasn’t necessary. People could just squeeze the $10 packs by hand. “In Bloomberg’s squeeze tests, hands did the job quicker, but the device was slightly more thorough,” the news service said.

Things quickly devolved from there, with layoffs(Opens in a new window) over the summer. Today, the Juicero team explained that over the past month they have been seeking out ways to source, manufacture, and distribute their products at a lower cost.

“During this process, it became clear that creating an effective manufacturing and distribution system for a nationwide customer base requires infrastructure that we cannot achieve on our own as a standalone business,” the company wrote(Opens in a new window) on its website. “We are confident that to truly have the long-term impact we want to make, we need to focus on finding an acquirer with an existing national fresh food supply chain who can carry forward the Juicero mission.”

If you purchased a Juicero Press, be sure to email the company by Dec. 1 to request a refund. Those with an active Produce Pack subscription will receive their final delivery next week, the company said.


Source link : https://www.pcmag.com/news/juicero-the-pricey-high-tech-juicer-goes-kaput